Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Rockstar Explorer: The Life of Meriwether Lewis, pt. 1
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Meriwether Lewis was an American explorer and politician. He was most notable for the Lewis and Clark expedition, which explored much of the Pacific Northwest and helped to spread American Democracy to the westernmost portions of the United States.
This week on TENN in 20: Official Podcast of the Battle of Franklin Trust, join hosts and historical enthusiasts Brad and Sarah, along with special guest Derek, as they discuss the life of Meriwether Lewis. Make sure to check out part two of this podcast, which is available now!
If you would like to support this show, make sure you don't miss our brand new, limited run t-shirts! Available for pre-order now, FREE SHIPPING on orders placed before September 3, 2018. For more info, head to: boft.org/podcast
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Fighting To Be Free: Enslaved Tennesseans Who Fought in the Civil War
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Roughly three hundred enslaved men from Williamson County, TN fought for the United States in the Civil War, yet until recently very little was known about them. Now, a project is being undertaken to commemorate these men.
This week on "TENN in 20: Official Podcast of the Battle of Franklin Trust," join hosts and historical enthusiasts Brad and Sarah, along with special guest Tina Jones, as they discuss the stories of these individuals who fought for their freedom and their country.
To learn more about Tina Jones and the pavers project, head to: www.slavestosoldiers.com
If you would like to support this podcast, and add some great books to your collection, head to our online store (store.boft.org) and browse our selection of books, apparel, and house wares. Use coupon code: podcast18 at checkout to receive 10% off your order. The offer is good through the end of August, 2018.
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
All About Who You Know: The Life of Randal McGavock
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
He went to college with Chief Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney. His wife was related to Senator John C. Calhoun and Attorney General Felix Grundy. His daughter married William Giles Harding, owner of the Belle Meade Plantation. His son was an aide to James K. Polk. And he was good friends with Andrew Jackson.
This week on "TENN in 20," join hosts and historical enthusiasts Brad and Sarah as the discuss the life and legacy of Randal McGavock, a man who exemplifies the importance of who you know and what you know.
If you would like to support this podcast and add some great books to your collection, head to our online store (store.boft.org) and used the coupon code: podcast18 at checkout to save 10% off your order! Discount is good until the end of August, 2018.
Friday Jul 27, 2018
BOFT Lecture Series: The Past and Future of Our Civil War
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Episode two of our ongoing BOFT Lecture Series!
Join guest speakers Pastor Hewitt Sawyers and Tennessee State Historian Dr. Carroll Van West in a discussion entitled "The Past and Future of Our Civil War."
This is a BONUS EPISODE! Brad and Sarah will be back on Tuesday, July 31.
We have a SPECIAL OFFER for our podcast listeners! Head over to our online store at store.boft.org and stock up on BOFT apparel, housewares, and (most importantly for our fellow historical enthusiasts) BOOKS! Receive 10% your total order by using the promo code: podcast18
Offer is good through the end of August, 2018.
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Who Was J. PERCY PRIEST?: Reporter, Representative, Reservoir
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
If you live in Middle Tennessee, there is a good chance you've heard the name J. Percy Priest. Nowadays, his name is most commonly associated with the dam and lake system that are named after him. But who was the REAL J. Percy Priest?
This week on "TENN in 20: Official Podcast of the Battle of Franklin Trust," join hosts and historical enthusiast Brad and Sarah as they discuss the life of Percy Priest the man, the creation of Percy Priest the lake, and go on a quest to find the lost village of Old Jefferson.
If you would like to support this podcast and add some books/housewares/apparel to your collection, head to store.boft.org and receive 10% off at checkout by using the coupon code: podcast18
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Mint Julep: Captain Tod Carter and the Battle of Franklin
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
If you have ever visited the Carter House, an historic site in Franklin, TN, then you almost certainly have heard the story of Captain Tod Carter. As a young man, Tod fought for the Confederacy in the 20th Tennessee regiment. On the night of November 30, 1864, during the Battle of Franklin, Tod participated in some of the most intense combat of the entire Civil War, which just so happened to take place in the yard of his childhood home.
But is there more to Tod's story?
Join hosts and historical enthusiasts (and Carter House tour guides!) Brad and Sarah as they discuss the life of Captain Tod Carter, aka Mint Julep.
We have a special offer for podcast listeners! You can receive 10% off your order from our online store by using the code: podcast18 at checkout. Add some books to your library and support this show at the same time! Just head to: store.boft.org
Hear more about the Battle of Franklin by taking a tour at Carter House and Carnton!
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Brownlow, Can You Go?: The Most Hated Man in Tennessee History
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
In the 1980's, a group of historians ranked all Tennessee governors in a list from best to worst. William Gannaway Brownlow came in dead last. Some say you can still see tobacco stains on his portrait from where passersby chose to pay him their respects...
But does he really deserve such treatment?
This week on "TENN in 20," join hosts and historical enthusiasts Brad and Sarah as they discuss the life and impact of Governor William Brownlow, aka the Fighting Parson.
If you would like to support this podcast and the Battle of Franklin Trust, head to over to our online store! We've got an amazing selection of books to add to your library, as well as apparel and housewares. As a special thank you to our listeners, use code "podcast18" and receive 10% off a checkout. Head to: store.boft.org
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
BOFT Lecture Series: The United States Constitution and Confederate Memory
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Introducing episode one of our BOFT Lecture Series!
Join historian and BOFT CEO Eric A. Jacobson as he speaks on the 14th Amendment as well as the creation of the Confederate Cemetery at Carnton, both of which unfolded simultaneously and symbolized America’s struggle to make sense of and move beyond the Civil War.
This is a BONUS EPISODE! Brad and Sarah will be back on Tuesday, June 18.
We have a SPECIAL OFFER for our podcast listeners! Head over to our online store at store.boft.org and stock up on BOFT apparel, housewares, and (most importantly for our fellow historical enthusiasts) BOOKS! Receive 10% your total order by using the promo code: podcast18
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Leaving Home: The Trail of Tears in Tennessee
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Re-uploaded 6/7/18 (Originally released 6/5/18)
When it comes to the Trail of Tears, the name that comes to mind for most historical enthusiasts is Andrew Jackson. But Native American removal as a United Sates policy began before Jackson's presidency, and continued for years after.
This week on "TENN in 20: Official Podcast of the Battle of Franklin Trust," join host and historical enthusiasts Brad and Sarah, along with special guest Grace, as they discuss the impact of the Trail of Tears on Tennessee history.
Tuesday May 22, 2018
War of the Roses in NASHVILLE?: Women's Suffrage and the 19th Amendment
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Less than one hundred years ago, the 19th Amendment was ratified, granting women the right to vote in the United States. This was the culmination of a generations long struggle, and it all came down to a showdown in Nashville, TN, referred to the in the newspapers as the "War of the Roses."
This week on TENN in 20, join hosts and historical enthusiasts Brad and Sarah as they discuss the Women's Suffrage movement in the United States.